
Concise Research Paper :: Four Laws of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Nobody can predict future correctly. Present is outcome of past and future is outcome of present. Present, past and future—all three events—lie on the same straight line. Keeping this in mind—three laws of Robotics—pioneered by Russian Scientist—Isaac Asimov is incomplete one and therefore, I humbly challenge Isaac Asimov and propose Four Laws of AI (FLAI)—which encompass robotics   just as one of the branch of AI and borrows some of the concepts from Asimov as well. It also incorporate nature and harmony of universe—to be fully align with natural laws of universe. Finally, very broad discussions on this FLAI are welcomed from true scientists and free thinkers of reasons and science. Let us be concise, clear and free. 1.        An AI must protect nature and harmony of universe. ? => First Law. 2.        An AI may not injure living beings, or through inaction, allow living beings to come to harm except such actions do not conflict with the first law. ? => Second Law. 3.       
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